As an Editor I uploaded the file 4330-22908-2-CE.docx to OJS ( Seen in Step 2 “Author Copyedit” below)

My query is why can’t that document be seen/accessed by the assigned Copyeditor in Step 2 “Author Copyedit” here? I.e. it says File: None:

Many thanks in advance!
Hi @ScottAbbott,
What version of OJS are you using? (Putting this in your post will help save my wrists.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
sorry Alec!
Getting ready to update to OJS 3 in Jan Feb next year
Hi @ScottAbbott,
Looking at the code, the Copyeditor doesn’t gain access to that file until the Author has completed their copyediting. To be honest I can’t recall whether that was done intentionally, but I suppose it could be argued that this step is the Author’s job and the Copyeditor should be able to read the results only when the process is complete. In any case, OJS3 is much improved in this regard – the linear, brittle copyediting process has been totally revamped and should prove a lot more useful/flexible.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team