Hi all. Is there any development to place another persistent identifier instead of the DOI as the ARK?
I think the best solution to solve this would be to create a new pubId plugin. See the current ones here: https://github.com/pkp/ojs/tree/master/plugins/pubIds
Someone would be willing to estimate the cost of developing it.
Hi everyone, I developed a PubIds plugin for ARK. I used the OJS version but is compatible with OJS 3.3.X-X version. You just have to convert the translation files to .po format for OJS 3.3.X-X version and add other languages.
Congratulations, in the next few days we will test it in Argentina!
Carlos Authier
Thanks you @CarlosAuthier I tested it in InnovaciĂłn y Software Journal at InnovaciĂłn y Software Any suggestion you can email to me
Qué buena noticia!!!
Muchas graciassss!!!
IARS team has implemented ARK Archival Resource Key with OJS Plugin for IARS’ International Research Journal at IARS' International Research Journal
I tried to install in OJS 3,4 but I have the error “Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned”.
Thanks, @yasielpv. I tried to install your plugin on our OJS instance 3.2.4 from the plugins gallery. All information shown in the install window box is related to another plugin. See the print screen below
Please @asmecher, can you give a hand?
Hi @BessemAamira,
ARC is a 3rd-party plugin, and OJS 3.2.x is no longer supported by PKP; I’d strongly recommend upgrading to at least OJS 3.3.0-x. It might solve the problem along the way.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
An alternative to an upgrade to OJS 3.3.0-x , is to download manually the plugin from github https://github.com/yasielpv/pkp-ark-pubid/releases/download/ojs-3.3/pkp-ark-pubid-ojs-3.3.tar.gz
Rename the package to ark-v1_0_1-0.tar.gz and install it manually ( Website settings> plugins> [Upload A New Plugin])
Hi @BessemAamira, I have not yet modified the ARK and PURL plugins for the latest OJS versions. I’m working on it. As soon as I do and request the inclusion of the new version in the Plugins gallery, I notice you,
With my best regards