Hi @staff
I want add crossmark button in html pages, in my theme (Health Sciences Theme).
Help me please. 
<!-- Start Crossmark Snippet v2.0 -->
<script src="https://crossmark-cdn.crossref.org/widget/v2.0/widget.js"></script>
<a data-target="crossmark"><img src="https://crossmark-cdn.crossref.org/widget/v2.0/logos/CROSSMARK_BW_horizontal.svg" width="150" /></a>
<!-- End Crossmark Snippet -->
And this :
<meta name="dc.identifier" content="doi:10.5555/12345678"/>
Help me please. 
Hi @rebas_saber,
Can you clarify which version of OJS you’re using and which version of the theme, please?
PKP Team
Hi @rcgillis
Thanks for replay.
OJS : version:
Health Sciences Theme : v1.1.0.0 released on 2020-12-06
Best regards.
Hi @rebas_saber,
Thank you for providing this additional information. I’m not exactly sure how to go about this, but I will see if one of our other team members can assist. If you haven’t seen it already, our theming guide may provide some guidance: PKP Theming Guide
Best regards,
PKP Team
Hi @rcgillis
I am use this guid : Crossmark
I am now in Steps 3 & 4 :
Step 3: Add Crossref DOI to HTML pages and PDF
<meta name=”dc.identifier” content =”10.3333/1212212”>
Step 4: Apply crossmark button
<!-- Start Crossmark Snippet v2.0 -->
<script src="https://crossmark-cdn.crossref.org/widget/v2.0/widget.js"></script>
<a data-target="crossmark"><img src="https://crossmark-cdn.crossref.org/widget/v2.0/logos/CROSSMARK_BW_horizontal.svg" width="150" /></a>
<!-- End Crossmark Snippet -->
But I don’t know the path of the file to which I am going to add them.
Please, tag @ any person for help me.
Thanks Staff.
Hi @staff
Is there someone to help me?

You can try with this plugin:
It is necessary to unzip it in plugins/generic
Original source, in Portuguese: https://forum.ibict.br/t/inserir-botao-do-crossmark-na-pagina-do-artigo/3117/22
Hi @abadan
I add this plugin in plugins, and I activated it. But not working.
Hi @staff
Anyone to help me please.
Hi @rebas_saber,
I see that you are discussing this issue here: Add crossmark button in HTML pages - #5 by rebas_saber - one of our staff members is corresponding with you on this, so please be patient in expecting a response. Support on the PKP Community Forum is provided for free by PKP staff and community members. We are a small team and need to balance our time spent answering questions here on the Forum with our other work developing and maintaining our free and open source software and other services. We try our best but do not guarantee that every question will be answered or that every issue is resolved.
In the future, please do not post duplicate posts. Please see our FAQ (under “Keep it Tidy”) here: https://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/faq
Best regards,
PKP Team