I would like to add the APA citation format along with the cross refereching database connector. I am having a little difficulty finding the upgade folder and a clear discussion around the benefits of these modules
I am hoping your can help
I would like to add the APA citation format along with the cross refereching database connector. I am having a little difficulty finding the upgade folder and a clear discussion around the benefits of these modules
I am hoping your can help
Hi @shed004,
Which of our applications are you running, and what version?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec
thank you for your reply – this is the version of OJS that we are running : OJS And in terms of applications – we are not running any at the moment
Sorry if this is a bit of a nuisance – hoping you can help
Warmest regards
Dr Susan Hedges
Senior Lecturer
Spatial Design,
School of Art + Design,
Auckland University of Technology
P 09 921 9999 ext 6562 M 021 125 2254 E shedges@aut.ac.nzmailto:shedges@aut.ac.nz W aut.ac.nzhttps://www.aut.ac.nz
Hi @shed004,
Can you describe what you’re working with a little further? There’s already an APA citation format that you can use to extract citations to articles published in your OJS, but I suspect that’s not what you’re looking for.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec
I am to sure a this stage – I will contact me colleagues and get back to you – I am a little confused myself – deepest apologies
Dr Susan Hedges
Senior Lecturer
Spatial Design,
School of Art + Design,
Auckland University of Technology
P 09 921 9999 ext 6562 M 021 125 2254 E shedges@aut.ac.nzmailto:shedges@aut.ac.nz W aut.ac.nzhttps://www.aut.ac.nz
Dear Alec
I have spoken with my colleagues and what we are looking for are the modules as noted that ‘deliver’ to libraries and track citations. As I understand those modules are noted in the package that we already have but we need to activate them or……?
We are looking for the Citation Module and the Cross reference database connector – if you could give me instructions for loading them to our site or how I might go about accessing these it would bee much appreciated.
I am sorry for the confusion
Warmest regards
Dr Susan Hedges
Senior Lecturer
Spatial Design,
School of Art + Design,
Auckland University of Technology
P 09 921 9999 ext 6562 M 021 125 2254 E shedges@aut.ac.nzmailto:shedges@aut.ac.nz W aut.ac.nzhttps://www.aut.ac.nz
Hi @shed004,
I’m still not sure I follow totally, but are you working with the Citation Markup Assistant? At this point we’re not maintaining it actively and it won’t be included in OJS 3.0, our next major release. Our future plans for citation parsing focus on our XML Publishing project.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Champion! - thanks Alec – will forward this to my colleagues and see what they think
Dr Susan Hedges
Senior Lecturer
Spatial Design,
School of Art + Design,
Auckland University of Technology
P 09 921 9999 ext 6562 M 021 125 2254 E shedges@aut.ac.nzmailto:shedges@aut.ac.nz W aut.ac.nzhttps://www.aut.ac.nz