Hi, I´m Andres de los Reyes from Ecuador.
I think i found a bug in the apa citation plugin in ojs 3.0.2 when an author’s first name starts with a utf-8 character the substring function does not work properly, so it should be changed to the mb_substr fuction. This is in ojs/plugins/citationFormats/apa/citation.tpl in the line # 21, I fix it like this:
{$author->getLastName()|escape}, {$firstName|escape|mb_substr:0:1}.{if $i==$authorCount-2}, & {elseif $i<$authorCount-1}, {/if}
thanks for any input, Ill be happy to contribute
August 28, 2017, 8:59am
AFAIK, the developers are going to strip out the whole ‘How-to-cite’ block and replace it to something CSL-like:
opened 03:30PM - 03 Sep 15 UTC
closed 11:22AM - 27 Sep 17 UTC
It should be pretty trivial to remove all the citation templates and replace the… m with CSL.
Using [citeproc-js](http://gsl-nagoya-u.net/http/pub/citeproc-doc.html) we shouldl be able to take a generic bibtex file, and just put it through citeproc to generate any of the other formats.
Hi all,
In the meantime, there’s also a fix for existing versions of OJS (<= 3.0.2): [OJS 3.0.2] Can't switch to APA or CBE Citation Formats · Issue #2288 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks, thats what I was trying to suggest.