Any instructions on how to install OJS in Godaddy Plesk Hosting?
Cannot even open the install page via browser after I upload all files to the server.
Always get the “Internal Server Error” message.
Any helps would be much appreciated!
Any instructions on how to install OJS in Godaddy Plesk Hosting?
Cannot even open the install page via browser after I upload all files to the server.
Always get the “Internal Server Error” message.
Any helps would be much appreciated!
Hi @ibii.jmsbi,
Check your server’s PHP error log; an “internal server error” will typically result in something specific appearing in the log file.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Many thanks for the respond. Below is the detail error message I got.
Any helps would be much appreciated!
Hi @ibii.jmsbi,
I would suggest configuring your PHP settings so that warning/error messages are directed to a log file, rather than to the browser. Then I’d suggest trying the install again, and checking the log file for details. This will probably capture more information than you see above, and will prevent warnings/errors from interfering with subrequests. GoDaddy’s knowledge base should have information on how to do this.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello Alec,
I switch to Godaddy linux cPanel hoisting this time.
I am able to go to installation page as attached pictures show. However, I
always has the error: “A database error has occurred: Access denied for
user ‘ojs4’@‘’ (using password: YES)” .
I also try to create a mySQL database “ojs4” with Privileged Users “ojs4”,
also as picture shows, but I still get the same error.
I screenshot all the installation page as attached pictures.
Any helps would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry, I forgot to attach the screenshots in previous email.
Your database server may or may not be on the same virtual machine as your domain name points to. My first guess would be to verify with your hosting provider whether the “database host” name of “” is correct.
Please also ensure that any passwords provided in the screenshots are not actually in use.
Thanks ctgraham. Yes, I am able to install it now with correct database
Thanks again!
Hi JMSBI IBII, would you be able to share the steps on how you have setup the OJS on GoDaddy shared server, please?
than you, Erik