After upgrading our OJS from 3.1.x to 3.3.0-5, we noticed that the announcement mass email is not working. We checked the files and also noticed that (lib/pkp/classes/mail/ is missing as well.
Is the new version suppose to be missing announcement mass email function?
Hi @lcentrone,
Thanks for your question. Can you please provide a bit more detail about what error you are seeing or what is not working about this feature? When you create an announcement you should see an option to “Send an email about this to all registered users.” Is the problem that you are not seeing this option, or that you are selecting this option but an email is not being sent?
Thank you,
Publishing Support Specialist, PKP
Hi everyone,
Here we are facing the same issue. In our case we checked the “Send Email” option.
Logs are ok, request sent correctly. No javascripts errors (but no usual confirmation popup when submitting announcement).
As a temporal measure we activated [bulkEmails] option to enable editors so that they can send same contents.
Our version is ojs-3.3.0-6 coming from a 3.1.2-1
Same here. We are with ojs-3.3.0-6 and mass mails are not been sent with announcements and we are checking the flag “Send an email about this to all registered users.”
We are not sure when it stopped working because is the first time we try to send a mass mail using announcements.
Bulk mails are working for me but I would prefer not to use it because it will send to everybody with the related role and some users has configured his notifications in profile in order to not receive new issues published notifications.
When I publish a new issue with OJS y check this option but none mail is sent.
My cron is working and personal and bulk mails are working.
Has anyone logged this bug in GitHub? I did a quick check but couldn’t see it logged there. I’m having the same issue and would like to find out if anyone has logged the bug before doing so myself.
For fixing of the bulk email bug that happened on the OJS 3.3.x version, we have created a free plugin that is easy to install. Visit our page here for download, instruction on installing and activating it.