Analytics plugin Plum

Is this plugin already stable? Any comments on it? I’m trying to install and giving upgrade error.

This plugin is stable for 2.4.x (in the ojs-dev-2_4 branch), and is in development for 3.x (in the master branch). I’ve only completed the initial testing for 3.x, but it should be functional (I think).

What error are you getting?

I installed it in git mode. It appears, but I can not enable it for the magazine. After I try to restart the machine and when you click configuration -> website -> plugins, the plugins page goes blank and loading mode. After that I went to error.log and checked for errors in

After attempting to activate the plugin in the magazine the page in the portal does not open, it is blank with a malfunction.

Is there any other installation or plugin active?

I have this installed in a development server running OJS under PHP 5.6.33 (webtatic distro).

What specific version of OJS and of PHP are your running?

If you don’t see errors in the PHP error log, that might indicate a PHP syntax or module error which prevents the code from even loading.

You can try to expose additional errors to the web interface by turning on display_errors and show_stacktrace in

PHP version 7.2

This is the error message after attempting to activate the plum:


Odd. I am surprised this was working in my dev instance. I’ve pushed a correction which should resolve this error.

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The installation was successful. But just a question, is it necessary to have the DOI?
Can I send the pt-BR translation for you to implement? for github!

Plum supports the following identifiers:

Are you using another one of these identifiers in OJS? I think the DOI is the only known crossover.

You are welcome to submit a translation via a Github pull request, or just as a copy of the locale file and I can add it to the Github repository.

We use DOI.
Okay, I’ll do the translation and forward.
Thank you very much for your attention
A hug.