I’ve seen a post like this recently and the problem was related to a folder permissions misconfiguration. Maybe you can check that your server has proper access to public, cache, etc.
I would suggest looking at the page source for the /index.php/japp/api/v1/submissions?status=1&searchPhrase=&count=20&offset=0 request. It should be a JSON response, but I suspect you have some content at the start of the file that shouldn’t be there, even an unexpected newline character. This usually comes from an inadvertent modification to a PHP file, as the warning suggests (“Maybe you have characters before an opening <?php tag?”).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Have a look at this thread – it looks like something has modified your OJS to add spam links. If your files_dir (see config.inc.php) is web-accessible, that’s probably how it happened. Unfortunately it’s impossible to tell from here which file has been modified; I’d recommend trying a standard tool like diff to compare your installation against a fresh download of the same version.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
i have same problem with Dennis and I have tried to compare file config.inc.php from my installed OJS with fresh file like your suggestion.
nothing different both of them, except name file, url of journal