Amount of currently assigned submissions when assign a paper to an editor

Describe the problem you would like to solve
When the Journal Editors must assign a Section Editor to a submission, they can’t know how many active submissions any SE currently have.
(I’m using 3.3.0-6. A similar feature was included in 2.4 version, but then it was lost in 3.x)

Describe the solution you’d like
I’d like to have a list similar to the Reviewers’ one, with a label that show the SE’s amount of active assignment. The “currently assigned” feature shows the workload of each editors and it suggests to the JE who can work on the last paper.

I wish to have the following result (unfortunately it’s just photoshopped in the picture).


Who is asking for this feature?
Some Journal Editors of ours asked me that improvement, because a journal could have many section editors, and tracking the work of any of them could be very difficult.

Additional information
I see two ways to reach my goal without an excessive effort.
(1) We could use the same structure used for the reviewer assignment; something like $currentlyAssigned in, but I didn’t understand where it takes the data.
(2) We could simulate the same result of “Assigned to editor” filter in the dashboard, but I suspect it’s the long way.

Using the “Assigned to editor” filter in the dashboard is not a real solution. If a journal has for example twelve SE, the JE should do twelve researches on the dashboard, taking a note of the workloads of each SE. It’s not easy nor quick.

Some hints for this issue? I will very appreciate any comments on it.

This question was already posted at least three times before:

Anytime the answer was the outcomin “Assigned to editor” filter in the dashboard. But in my opinion it’s not a solution for the following reason. When a JE use the filter in the dashboard, he’s looking for a sumbission («I remember John is working on that paper… what’s its damn title?»). The “currently assigned” feature shows the workload of each editors instead, and it suggests to the JE who can work on the last paper.

If a journal has for example twelve SE, the JE should do twelve researches on the dashboard, take a note of the workloads of each SE, and then “adding one” any time he assign a new paper to someone.
It’s a little boring.

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We’re looking for the same thing. OJS 2 had a really useful display when assigning editors/section editors, where it was clear who had active submissions as well as how many submissions they had completed. This is really important for the assigning editor/journal manager. Filtering the main submission menu is not a solution as they need to see this information on the assignment screen.


Thank you and sorry, @marc. I think I’m not allowed to edit the first post after so much time.
I leave the “correct message” here. If a moderator will read it, they could paste it in the first post (thanks!).

Describe the problem you would like to solve
When the Journal Editors must assign a Section Editor to a submission, they can’t know how many active submissions any SE currently have.
(I’m using 3.3.0-6. A similar feature was included in 2.4 version, but then it was lost in 3.x)

Describe the solution you’d like
I’d like to have a list similar to the Reviewers’ one, with a label that show the SE’s amount of active assignment. The “currently assigned” feature shows the workload of each editors and it suggests to the JE who can work on the last paper.

I wish to have the following result (unfortunately it’s just photoshopped in the picture).


Who is asking for this feature?
Some Journal Editors of ours asked me that improvement, because a journal could have many section editors, and tracking the work of any of them could be very difficult.

Additional information
I see two ways to reach my goal without an excessive effort.
(1) We could use the same structure used for the reviewer assignment; something like $currentlyAssigned in, but I didn’t understand where it takes the data.
(2) We could simulate the same result of “Assigned to editor” filter in the dashboard, but I suspect it’s the long way.

Using the “Assigned to editor” filter in the dashboard is not a real solution. If a journal has for example twelve SE, the JE should do twelve researches on the dashboard, taking a note of the workloads of each SE. It’s not easy nor quick.

Some hints for this issue? I will very appreciate any comments on it.

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