After upgrading to OJS3 Administrator has few rights

After upgrading to OJS 3 my administrator account doesn’t seem to be able to do much. I was asked to look into an issue where clicking Edit on a back issue just results in a loading message that never finishes. When I went to the administration section the only options available to me were Tasks (0) and Administration. After selecting the journal in question the options on the left did not change.

I checked in the database and my role ids for my user id and that journal id were 16, 256, 65536. These are the same values as the person who is seeing many different options. Is there something else I need to change in order to have permissions to view and edit things?

Hi @califer,

Have you tried the “Log In As” feature? See Grant implicit Manager access to Adminstrators · Issue #440 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub for some discussion of the Site Administrator role’s permissions around OJS 3.x.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you for the reply, @asmecher.

I don’t see an option for “Log In As”. I don’t see any user controls except for in View Profile → Roles. Even with all the roles set for the journal that they want me to look into I only get three subheadings; “Tasks”, “Submissions” and “Administration” where the person asking for help also has “Issues”, “Settings”, “Users & Roles” and “Tools”.

Hi @califer,

I’ve just checked into this and it looks like we still need a tweak on the issue linked above – an additional commit should be added there shortly. This will grant better access to the Users & Roles area for administrators who are not journal managers.

In the meantime, to work around you this, you can either use a Journal Manager account or create new entries in the user_user_groups table to grant access to the Journal Manager role to your Administrator user.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I was able to figure out the user_groups to make myself a journal manager. I’m able to replicate her issue and since it’s unrelated to this topic I’ll make a new one. Thank you for your help, @asmecher!