Recently upgraded from OJS 3.1.1-4 to 3.2.0-3. First testing cycle done, before moving to live. Found the following issue:
Submissions already assigned to Future Issues are not displayed. We can see the quantity of items assigned per each Future Issue, but none of the submissions are listed in the issue’s table of contents, nor in the back or front-end (preview-mode).
Any idea what went wrong and how can I solve it?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi @jascanio,
There is bug that was addressed in 3.2.0-4 that deals with the issue of not seeing Issue Preview - Issue Preview not showing assigned articles · Issue #5840 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.
Again in OJS 3.2 the publication process has changed. I would suggest taking a look at the Production and Publication chapter of learning OJS 3.
In summary, assigning an article is a 2 step process. In the publication tab of the manuscript go to Issue. Assign issue there and save.

Then click Schedule for Publication.

Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @pmangahis,
Thanks for your reply.
We upgraded to 3.2.1. What we got now for Future Issues is no entries at all per issue. Besides having no items, quantity is now 0.
I understand that due to the new publication process, we will need to re-assign submissions to future issues. They’re not too much, so we can do it quite straightforward.
Is that it?
Kind regards,
Hi @jascanio,
Yes, please give that a try.
Kind Regards,
Hi @pmangahis,
Ok. We’ll do that.
Thanks for your reply.
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Hi @pmangahis,
We are upgrading another 3.1.1-4 to 3.2.1-2.
It is a multijournal installation
I wonder if we will lose when upgrading to this version all assignation of articles to Future Issues.
We have lots of articles already assigned to Future Issues and are very worried about losing this work already done by journals’ editors.
Thanks in advance for your reply.