After purchasing a single article, how do I access it

My user purchased an article by manual payment, and I also received a notice in my email, which confirmed that he had made the payment.
So how do I give him access to this article? I tried to open up access in back issue, but the problem is that everyone can access it? Is there another way?

my version OJS

Hi @mYao,

Does your journal utilize subscriptions? And, do you have subscriptions set up? The Subscription Manager can manually add them to the subscriber list. Users will then be able to access the closed content when logged in. You can see our instructions on subscriptions here:

PKP Team

Hello @rcgillis
I think maybe I’m not clear about the form. Our users purchase an article individually and do not have a personal subscription. Therefore, I would like to ask how to let him access pdf normally after purchase. If I take the measures you provided, he can access other articles.

Hi @mYao,

Thanks for clarifying your use case. So, you would have some articles that would be a part of an issue that would be available for purchase and others that are not?

PKP Team