Advice on AWS configurations

I joined a publisher over the summer as we upgraded to OJS 3.4, after which we had a number of issues with site stability and database access. As discussed in this previous issue, our group may have to consider more specialized search tools going forward.

Unfortunately, while most resource-heavy queries are now gone, our issues with uptime have remained. A database upgrade seems to have calmed the worst of things, but the costs at that size are daunting, and it may only have provided short-term relief for us.

I’m new enough at all this to just ask…

Is anyone else using AWS? If so, would you mind sharing how your OJS is set up?

We’re running a multi-journal site on a single r5.2xlarge instance for our 5.7mysql aurora 2.11.2 database. Our CPU utilization is often 99%+ for sustained periods and row lockups rise until things get slow and then unresponsive until an emergency reboot.

Should we should be adding additional instances? Could we use a different category of database for better read performance? 10 other things I could try?

All advice welcome! Thanks

Hi @dwm,

Just to clarify – it’s the MySQL processes that are eating your CPU?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks for replying! I think we may have solved the issue, which we think originated with the SQL queries generated by one of our related/recommended items plugins. I plan to post more when I have a chance to review things more fully.