When I load a stylesheet for the Admin’s home page that lists each publication we are hosting using the Site Management > Site Setup > Appearance > Set up > Set style sheet upload, the CSS added here over rules all of the hosted publications stylesheets. I can see in the source code for the publications that it is loading this stylesheet AFTER the bootstrap 3 theme that is chosen and its child theme.
We are using OJS
In this screenshot you can see the bootstrap theme and child theme stylesheets loaded:

Here you can see after I add a stylesheet to the admin theme it is loading it AFTER the publication’s stylesheet (the difference can really only be seen by the file path to the stylesheet)

I can’t give links to it live because I don’t want our publication’s CSS to be messed up, but the site is https://serials.atla.com
What I would have expected to happen is for the this stylesheet added to the Admin homepage to only apply to the admin homepage not the publications.
@NateWr - thanks!
Thanks @ckarpinski. I think this is a bug. At least, it does not match how I would expect that stylesheet to behave. I would expect it to only load on the site-wide index page. Not on every journal.
I’m worried that some of our community may use it this way, though. For example if they put a publisher logo into the page footer on every journal, they may use the stylesheet this way to apply styles to that logo.
Nevertheless, I’ve filed it as a bug here: Site-wide stylesheet loads for every journal · Issue #5973 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. I’ve asked around to see if anyone is using it this way. If not, then we can safely fix this and move on.
Sorry if I reopen such an old post. but I have the exact same problem. have you solved it somehow?
Thank you
our system administrator found a solution to the problem.
basically it calls the style sheet inside the journals differentiating it with the journal id
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://collane-editoriali.ingv.it/public/journals/1/styleSheet.css?d=2024-10-10+12%3A02%3A50" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://collane-editoriali.ingv.it/public/journals/2/styleSheet.css?d=2024-10-09+12%3A40%3A23" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://collane-editoriali.ingv.it/public/journals/3/styleSheet.css?d=2024-10-09+13%3A00%3A43" type="text/css" />
it is clearly not an ideal way to solve the problem, but by doing so the newspaper has its own style child and the three magazines that compose it each have their own style sheet.
I hope it can be of help to developers to solve this bug once and for all.
problem solved: update:
with the previous solution the problem remained for the navigation pages.
basically in the PKPTemplatemanager.php file our system administrator changed the priority of the css call, which by default is set to 15 for both the newspaper and the magazines inside it.
he then changed this parameter and now the newspaper and the three magazines that compose it each have their own style sheet for bootstrap3.
i hope it helps and that the ojs managers solve this bug