I need to add the title text after the logo in Manuscript (Default Child theme) of OJS 3.1, please guide me to do that?
Let me know which file has the header properties and where it is located?
Naveen Malik
I need to add the title text after the logo in Manuscript (Default Child theme) of OJS 3.1, please guide me to do that?
Let me know which file has the header properties and where it is located?
Naveen Malik
Hi @navmalik,
I hope there is no “out of the box” way to do so.
There are some ways to achieve that:
Make a logo with the text is the only better option for now
I am sorry, but I am not in touch with graphics design.
How can I make a logo with text with transparent backgroud?
Please provide some resources where I can make it easily ?
the logot with the text is fine but it appears so small. is there any way to increase its size without losing resolution. please explian simply because I am new to OJS
Hi @book,
I noticed that you’ve posted this question already - How to resize header and logo size on journal. Please avoid posting the same question in multiple places at it clutters the forum.
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