I want to add a slideshow in OJS to display image files. I found some modules which does the job like this one , but they won’t work because of path problem. The module setting file and album folder paths are not found from the static page url (setting file should be in the same folder as the file that is calling the function and scripts). Also, <?php include 'settings.php'?>
scripts won’t work in pages created by static pages plugin.
Does any one know a simple way to add slideshows to OJS?
Is there any way to create a static page with absolute path in a desired folder which contains the journal header and etc? for example myjournal.com/slides.php
Hi @alirezaaa,
I would suggest using a client-side slide show tool (typically Javascript-based). You’d need to change the static pages plugin to get it to support PHP embedding, but it’ll already support Javascript embedding without any extra work.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
You can probably do this entirely in javascript (and not need to support PHP embedding) with a tool such as Lightbox or a Lightbox derivative.
For example, Lightbox Slideshow
Thank you @ctgraham , @asmecher for your responses.
I added lightbox using Jscript and is working fine.
It has less features than php modules, but does the job well.
can once send me the code or the process how to do it