I am using OJS and the Quick Submit plugin to upload new articles to an issue.
I would like to add a list of references for each article so that “Title”, Author", “Abstract”, “Keywords”, “PDF”, “DOI” is then followed by the references. I do not find a way to add references for a submission and no option to activate such a function in journal setup as well.
Any support on this is much appreciated!
This would involve PHP and Smarty template coding. Do you have experience with this? If so, we can point you in the right direction.
We updated to OJS 3.0.2 in the meantime. As far as I know, it should be possible in this version to add the references, right? But where do I find it?
I think this is correct because of the inclusion of the metadataFormFields here:
Have you installed the QuickSubmit plugin via the Plugin Gallery?
No, QuickSubmit Plugin is not installed yet. It is an upgrade, right? Can you give me advice (or a link) where it is explained how to install QuickSubmit plugin?
If your webserver permissions allow it (specifically, if your web user has write privileges to your OJS install, which it might reasonably not have), you can use the plugin gallery to install the plugin:
Admin → Settings → Website → Plugins → Plugin Gallery
Otherwise, you can manually download and install the plugin, as was done in the old 2.x methods.