I’m creating a new journal.
I want to add the first individual’s details (for editor role). However, when I enter her email, I get this:
“The selected email address is already in use by another user.”
I checked with this person: they ARE registered/associated with a different journal (belonging to our institution. I deleted her from that one, with her approval. But I still get the same error:
“The selected email address is already in use by another user.”
Is the only way around this…to use an alternative email address for this person? I was hoping to our her institutional email.
Where can I go into the Settings to change or fix this situation?
Hi @PKP_Tam,
There are some ways around this, particularly in later versions of OJS. Can you please indicate which specific version you’re using?
PKP Team
Hi Roger,
We are using
I’ll mention that, in order to move forward and not hold up the rest of the set-up process, we’ve opted to use a different email. But I would like to know if there are any workarounds for when this occurs.
Hi @PKP_Tam,
Thanks for that additional info. If need be, you can merge accounts, which is outlined here: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/faq/en/users-roles#why-cant-i-delete-a-users-account
and here:
This is slated for improvement in OJS 3.5: Allow journal managers to invite users to adopt a role · Issue #3022 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
So, there will be better ways around in the future.
PKP Team
Hi all,
Actually, there’s an easy way to add a user to a role in a journal in 3.3.0 or 3.4.0 when they’re already active in another journal.
- Go to Settings > Users & Roles > Users
- Click the “Search” button to expand the search options
- Check “Include users with no roles in this journal”
- Enter a detail or two in the search box related to the user you want – e.g. their email address or username
- Click “Search”
Now you should be able to edit the user account and add roles in your journal. Note that you’ll either need to be a Site Administrator, or have managerial access to all the user’s roles, in order to do this; if you don’t, you’ll need to ask your site administrator to do this for you.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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