I am working on a plugin which will add IGSN and PIDINST persistent identifiers to OJS 3.4+. GitHub - GaziYucel/pidManager: PID Manager for OJS
I added the functionality already in the Submission edit screen as a vertical tab under Publication. This works as expected.
The data is being saved to the publication_settings by extending the Publication schema.
However, I have trouble adding this in the Submission Wizard. I want to add this in the first step (Make a Submission: Details), exact location is not important as long as it’s in this step. At the end of this step would be just fine for example.
I did find the hook Template::SubmissionWizard::Section
, which is in the loop v-for="section in step.sections"
in submission/wizard.tpl
. By using VueJs directive v-if="section.id === 'titleAbstract'"
, the code is not executed in every iteration and is shown just after the abstract. Furthermore, I can’t find a way to save the data to the database.
Is there a proper way of doing this? Some example which will help me? Some other way which will help me in the correct direction? How can I save this data to the database?