How can I add the members of Editorial Board manually on page “About the Journal” without being they selected from a list of users?
How can I add the members of Editorial Board manually on page “About the Journal” without being they selected from a list of users?
In the Journal Manager’s User Home, the Masthead option allows you to switch between OJS automatically creating the Editorial Team lists and you manually creating Editorial Team lists and assigning users to the lists.
To create a completely arbitrary page, you can use the Static Pages plugin. (User Home → Journal Manager → System Plugins → Generic Plugins → Static Pages).
See http://pkp.sfu.ca/support/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13713&p=52358&hilit=static+pages+plugin#p52358 for an earlier discussion.
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Hi, ctgraham,
Now I created a new static page. How can I enter a link of this static page inside the chapter “People” on the site “About the Journal”?
Kind regards,
To do this without making local modifications to the code, use Journal Setup 5.6 to add custom CSS which hides the default navigation element (li#about). Then add a new Navigation element in Journal Setup 5.5 that points to your page. The Label Name will be “navigation.about” and the URL will be your new static page.
To do this via a local modification of the code, you’ll need to modify templates/about/EditorialTeam.tpl or templates/about/EditorialTeamBoard.tpl, depending on your configuration.
Thank you very much. I’m not able to work with CSS (for now :-). Should I modify any existing CSS file, for example. common.css or any other?
Kind regards,
Now I created a local web site and download all files from remote web site to local web site. I found the file editorialTeam.tpl. When I was opened it in MS Expression Web 4, it offers several options for opening: Open as HTML; Open as txt; Open as PHP … Could you advise me which option should I choose to change the url address?
Thanks in advance,
I’m not familiar with MS Expression Web. The important thing will be that your editor only makes the changes you intend, and doesn’t introduce additional changes based on the the “type” you select. The editorialTeam.tpl is a Smarty Template, which is a cross between PHP and HTML, so either might work. Opening at text would probably also be a good option because it is least likely to introduce unintended changes.
You can get up to speed on CSS quickly via the tutorials at w3schools: http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp If adding CSS, you would just be adding new CSS rather than editing any existing CSS, which is a huge benefit because introducing local changes by editing the existing files makes upgrading more difficult later.
Thank you very much for your reply and link to CSS tutorials.
Now I do not know what to change in EditorialTeam.tpl or EditorialTeamBoard.tpl, or where to write the URL of my new static pages. I cannot find the actual location where this would change. Would you please help me find a place where I could add URL static pages within a particular page (.TPL or other)?
Are you familiar with HTML? If not, I strongly recommend not modifying the template files. Use the built-in solution described earlier in Setup 5.5 and Setup 5.6.
Alternately, the w3schools HTML tutorial could be helpful if you want a quick introduction: http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
If you are familiar with HTML, consider the Smarty templates to be HTML with a bit of extra code in curly-braces {$smarty}. You can then compare the actual HTML output in the browser with the input HTML that is present in the Smarty template file to determine where to add the new HTML anchor.
Thanks again for the advice. I am quite familiar with html.
I’ll try to include a link in .TPL, before and I’ll make a copy of the original file, just in case.
I modified the templates /about/EditorialTeam.tpl and the effect is as follows: Editorial Team. I wanted to modifies page About the Journal but I can not find the location or file where I can do this. Maybe you know where I could do this?
Thank you in advance!
See templates/about/index.tpl for the about index template.
Thank you very much. With your help, I found a place to change the page about.