I get some trouble in order to add the DOI in the article summary. I have added the following code to the public_html/plugins/themes/bootstrap3/templates/frontend/objects/article_summary.tpl
However, the DOI is only appeared on the current issue page or in the Archives page (http://sciencetechindonesia.com/index.php/jsti/issue/view/5).
Unfortunately, it was not appeared on the home page (http://sciencetechindonesia.com/index.php/jsti).
{* DOI (requires plugin) *}
{foreach from=$pubIdPlugins item=pubIdPlugin}
{if $issue->getPublished()}
{assign var=pubId value=$article->getStoredPubId($pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType())}
{assign var=pubId value=$pubIdPlugin->getPubId($article)}{* Preview pubId *}
{if $pubId}
{assign var="doiUrl" value=$pubIdPlugin->getResolvingURL($currentJournal->getId(), $pubId)|escape}
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-link"></i>{translate key="plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName"}
<a href="{$doiUrl}">
Is there some thing wrong with the code that I used?