I want to add tabs to the OJS Homepage but i can’t find where to add the scripts, i tried to add the script in the Custom Header Plugin but to no avail.
I’m using OJS 3.3.0.
Best regards,
José Nobre
I want to add tabs to the OJS Homepage but i can’t find where to add the scripts, i tried to add the script in the Custom Header Plugin but to no avail.
I’m using OJS 3.3.0.
Best regards,
José Nobre
Please ignore the Link for it is no longer functional.
Hi @josenobre,
Not sure if this is exactly what you’re going for, but there is the custom header plugin: Use Case/Examples for Custom header plugin for OJS - #11 by akku - you may want to have a look at that if you’re looking at adding custom javascript.
Best regards,
PKP Team
Hi @rcgillis,
I should have been more clear. I want to have Full Page Tabs similar to this exemple.
Best regards,
José Nobre
Hi @josenobre,
Thanks for clarifying. I’m not sure how to best go about that, but I think for something like that you might want to try modifying the theme. How to modify themes are outlined in our documentation here: PKP Theming Guide, but someone with more experience in developing themes might be able to provide some suggestions for how to go about achieving this. It might be best done with a combination of javascript and modifying the theme.
PKP Team