Active individual subscription active but still can't access articles


I’m trying to set up electronic access to our subscription articles without using PayPal. I’ve gone through the steps below and set up an active subscription as a test but it still shows the PDFs as locked. Any thoughts on what I’m missing?

I’ve gone into User > Journal Management > Journal Setup > 4.1 Access and Security Settings and double checked that “The journal will require subscriptions to access some or all of its contents.” was selected.

I’ve set up Subscriptions types and under User > Journal Management > Fee Payment Options > General Options I enabled the payments module and under Fee Payments methods.

I’ve verified that the Journal issues has an access status of ‘Subscription’.

Attached screenshot shows what i see when I’m logged in as the user with the valid subscription.

Hi @Sarah_Severson

What happens then, when you click on the PDF link? – I think the locks icon always exists, but the appropriate users can access the file – this is how the system works…


Hi Bozana,

Must have been a cacheing issue or something as it works this morning as
expected. Last night when I clicked on the PDF link I was being sent to the
subscription page but this morning I"m getting the article.

Sorry for the unnecessary post.

Best, Sarah