I’m not the tech person and my transition to working with OJS coincided with other transitions, including the recent (for us) upgrade ( so pardon my confusion and probably very simplistic questions on statistics.
One of our journals wants to know if there is a way to produce one report for article views that includes statistics for both pre- and post-upgrade periods. The journal used statistics before the upgrade and the statistics migration has occurred.
From what I can glean from the wiki page and looking at various reports, the View Report provides pre-upgrade statistics only and everything else (ojs::counter, Timed Views Report, OJS Usage Statistics Report) provides statistics post-upgrade only. Is this correct? There’s no way to access pre-upgrade statistics other than the View Report? Or did we miss something?
When you ran the upgrade process after updating the OJS files (see “Updating the OJS database” in the upgrade documention: https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/UPGRADE), did you receive notification that the update was complete? One of the steps in the database update is to migrate the old statistics data to the new framework. For example, the old COUNTER reports should still work, based on the migrated data.
My apologies for not replying earlier. The answer to your question is yes, we did receive notification that the update was complete. Our site administrator is in the process of reloading the data logs on our test server to see if that will solve the problem.
I gather that pre-upgrade statistics should be available in reports other than the View Report?
Yes, pre-upgrade statistics should be available in various reports.
If you navigate to the Stats & Reports page, you should be able to navigate forward and backward over the years to see recorded statistics.
As another example, COUNTER reports should list all years, pre- and post- upgrade, for the modern COUNTER releases (4.1 as of v2.4.8+) and for “legacy” COUNTER Release 3, but not for obsolete non-COUNTER ready reports at the bottom of the page. The non-COUNTER ready reports will only list statistics prior to the upgrade.
Similarly, if you use the Custom Report Generator, you should have a unified report across pre- and post- upgrade statistics:
User Home → Journal Manager → Stats & Reports → Generate Custom Report
Apologies again for a delayed response. We’ve been unable to get pre-upgrade statistics anywhere but in the View Report; however, we do think we’ve figured out that the reason why is because the Counter plugin was not enabled in the pre-upgrade environment (so there were no stats to migrate, right?) If this is not true, or if there is something else we could do, please let me know.
This makes sense. I’m just getting back from a week’s vacation, and have not actually checked your theory against the code, but I suspect if the COUNTER plugin was disabled in a previous version, the statistics may not have been collected.