I wonder if anyone else has experienced this odd behaviour. I have recently deployed OJS (v. for a new journal and cannot get it display the abstract, keywords, etc. when pressing on the individual article titles/links. All the information is entered, but absolutely nothing at all is displayed, not even the title of the article and the author. I suspect a fundamental installation issue, though everything else seems to work ok.
I’m using the Manuscript theme. However, I have the same problem with the default theme on a test journal running on the same installation. Neither has been modified by code or CSS in any way.
OJS should correctly display these items. This hasn’t ever been a reported bug in any version of OJS I can think of, if you are using the correct version of the theme for your version of OJS. If the problem exists with the default theme, then my next question is whether or not you’ve installed or are using additional languages and maybe have missing data in localized fields. OJS supports entering abstracts in more than one language, if they are enabled, and the article details page will display the abstract in the language of the front end chosen at the time.