Thank you Hermann, I removed the old one and cleared all cache, then i created alm based on the instruction. I could access the setting now. but still URL reads …/almplagin/… please see the images,
on the setting page there some requeriments. We do use DOI,but this one ask for PKP key, I create Personal account (BTW, this service will stop in Nov 2016 as they say), when I try to log in, in the URL ( I get error message as
500 Internal Server Error
If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application's log file and/or the web server's log file to find out what went wrong.
You only need that key if you want e.g. to show “citations” of articles in social medias (twitter, facebook asf). But I think the whole infrastructure behind that is no longer supported/maintained by PKP. So you would have to set up the necessary services on your own servers - I reckon there are instructions available on how to do that.
No, no manually added code. Just enable the ALM plugin, leave everything unchanged (empty) in its configuration and you should see those metrics at the end of the abstract view of each article.
The important bit is {call_hook name="Templates::Article::MoreInfo"} as the ALM-plugin registered this very hook in order to display its metrics near the end of the article view…
If this is missing in your file can you add it?
Yes I used the instruction on this post from Jan 2016 to add those lines to the template and right at the end reads below, which I can see the line you are referring to
ok, now I am starting to run out of options.
First let’s check the basics:
What is the operating system on your server?
Which web-server software are you using?
Which version of PHP?
What are the access rights of ../plugins/generic/alm/ and its files/sub-folders?
Does your web-server have read access to all files and sub-directories?
Also, after installing the ALM plugin (or after changing the directory name) are you running the database upgrade process? For generic plugins, this upgrade process updates the versions table in the database. Take a look at the reference to the ALM plugiun there to ensure the record is sane.
What is the operating system on your server? We have a dedicated server, running Debian 8.5
Which web-server software are you using? OS is Plesk 12.5
Which version of PHP? PHP version is 5.6.22, I can have this on 7.0.10 as well
What are the access rights of …/plugins/generic/alm/ and its files/sub-folders? it is 0755 (rwx r-x r-x)
Does your web-server have read access to all files and sub-directories? folders are 0775 and files are 0644
I see that there is a web interface but I was not sure what I need to do as I need to update the DB only. I do not want to damage our live website. Is there any step by step screenshots somewhere on the web please? Life would be much easier if OJS use some of Drupal 8 experiences in Installation and update as well as hooking plugin.
If you do not have the PHP CLI installed, you can also upgrade by running a
web-based script. To do so:
- Edit and change "installed = On" to "installed = Off"
- Open a web browser to your OJS site; you should be redirected to the
installation and upgrade page
- Select the "Upgrade" link and follow the on-screen instructions **_(DO THEY MEAN UPGRADING WHOLE WEBSITE OR JUST THE DB?)_**
- Re-edit and change "installed = Off" back to
"installed = On"
If you have access to the command line, you can upgrade the database non-intrusively. If you do not have access to the command line, you can run the database upgrade script from the web interface, but this will make your site briefly unavailable.
I strongly recommend copying your live website to a testing instance on a different webserver and performing any upgrades or new plugin installs there before rolling things out to your production website. This will also give you the benefit of seeing firsthand what the upgrade process looks like without affecting the production site.
If you installed the plugin through the web interface, the upgrade script has already run. If the information in the versions database table looks ok, you do not need to re-run the upgrade script. If you manually copy a generic plugin into the filesystem, you will need to run (or re-run) the upgrade script. This will evaluate the whole OJS code for any needed database changes, and will perform them. So, yes, this affects the whole site, but it will only make changes as-needed in the database.
We have gone through a painful process to get the site to this stage and I do not want to jeopardise the live site.
But I have access to command-line of the server via putty application. If it is less problematic please give me the command line for Debian 8.5 platform and I will do it.
The command line is documented in the UPGRADE doc:
This should be safe to run on a production server, but again, I would recommend creating a development copy if you are able. You can even do this on your production box, if it is the only one you have access to, by copying the database and files, with either a new folder in your current Apache host, or a new Apache virtualhost.
You could add new custom code to query directly against MetricsDAO::getMetrics():
I’ll also shamelessly plug the NISO SUSHI-Lite proposal, which is intended to provide a standard RESTful API for this type of query.
This could be a specialized report delivered in JSON by SUSHI-Lite for display, or perhaps a call to an COUNTER AR1 report, with a bit of extra parsing. There is a plugin for SUSHI-Lite for OJS 2.4.8.
Would it be better to have these options in the setting, just tick boxes, so users do not need to play around with the codes that much.
I think user friendly Wordpress functions has lots of good lessons, Adding Plugin, Functions, …
Hi, using latest version of 3.0. Reports used to work well. Now the review reports link works, the article link creates just a handful, the view link produces an error message, and the custom link (which is apparently a new feature) doesn’t work at all. Any suggestions?
You topic seems to be a different one – problems with reports. Thus could you maybe open a new topic and try to explain your problem with more details? Do you have/see any errors in your log file? Are you using 3.0.2 and how did you install it – did the upgrade worked well? When did those reports used to work well and since than they stopped working well? Etc.