I have installed the Oldgreg theme in OJS Working fine. But when you click on the title of the article, it is supposed to show the full text, but it does not. Any idea. Looks like the built-in JATSparser is not working well???.
Can you describe the problem in more detail? E.g., only the article’s full text is missing or the article’s page isn’t loaded?
JATS Parser plugin is decoupled from the Old Gregg theme in the version compatible with OJS 3.3+ and now should be downloaded separately; but the overall functionality is the same.
Thank you, Vitaly, I did install, activate the plugin, turn off the eLens, in the setup use APA. I did not get the full page. Our JATS galley is OK and work perfect with Elens. I just get few bugs that you can see in the screenshot. Is this may cause?
the red arrow
JATS Parser Plugin doesn’t work the same way as Lens Viewer. The latter fetches XML on the galley page, renders it on the fly with javascript. The former requires XML to be converted to HTML explicitly through the option it adds to the production form. Have you made familiar yourself with the documentation, e.g.: GitHub - Vitaliy-1/JATSParserPlugin: OJS3 Plugin for parsing JATS XML and displaying it on article detail page? Do you see the full text upload
menu under the publication tab?
It’s an untraslated string, not a bug.
Hi Vitaliy, thank you, I get it worked on fly. I am not a coder guy, but I understand HTML. CSS. How easy would be to customize to our need. Based on your expression “Under the hood the conversion process transforms JATS XML into HTML and saves the results in the database.”, Can we get it during conversion and add some CSS for more customized view. If so, can you open-up the lead and give us some hint.
Full-text HTML inherits CSS from the theme. E.g., it’s possible to upload custom CSS from the dashboard with your own styling. Another approach is creating a child theme.
For PDF full-text it’s more complicated. Additional styling may be applied by substitution of this file: JATSParserPlugin/pdfGalley.css at main · Vitaliy-1/JATSParserPlugin · GitHub but selectors are limited to those supported by TCPDF: php - Trying to find list of supported CSS for TCPDF - Stack Overflow
Thank again Vitaliy. You are an asset for OJS.