Describe the issue or problem
When I want to make a submission for a magazine and reach the final phase where the send button is, I press it and a box appears that loads infinitely. The file is actually uploaded to the database and the emails reach the editor but not the person who uploaded the file.
What would be expected is that the person who uploaded the file would be notified about it in the first place and that the box would not load infinitely.
Steps I took leading up to the issue
- Go to new sumission, then i send for revision
- Click on ‘send’
- See error in the console “500 (Internal Server Error)”. I see a box that loads infinitely, the files are sent. The email arrives at the editor with the message that a submission was made, but this box stays stuck there.
What application are you using?
Additional information
We recently installed this system, we have not made any changes to the source code.
Hi @Hans_Cristopher_Scha,
Are you able to post the outputs of your PHP error log? That often provides more clues than the browser console.
PKP team
Sorry, now i cant acces to the php error message. But investigating I saw that I have the same problem as this person Slim Application Error when uploading article - #14 by Azeze. It is a ‘Slim Application Error’ error, apparently a PHP module is missing?
Hi! the error is this:
Got error 'PHP message: Slim Application Error:\nType: TypeError\nMessage: get_class(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type object, null given\nFile: /var/vhosts/mvideojuegos/lib/pkp/classes/mail/Mailer.php\nLine: 79\nTrace: #0 /var/vhosts/mvideojuegos/lib/pkp/classes/mail/Mailer.php(79): get_class()\n#1
Can you help me please?
This is going to throw a error/exception anyway as seems mail view is missing at pkp-lib/classes/mail/Mailer.php at main · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub but as passed as null
, it throws a different exception when passed through get_class
@Hans_Cristopher_Scha it seems like some email template is missing in your case . Can you go to Settings --> workflow --> Email --> Add and edit templates
, then filter by Submissions
and see proper email templates are set there ?
Also did you upgrade from a previous version or this is a fresh install ?
is an new instalation.
look, these are the mail templates in the option that you tell me:
i don’t know what is the problem…
@Hans_Cristopher_Scha this error means email view content is somehow getting null but from you email template list, it seems those are present .
@Vitaliy any idea ?