@asmecher i found that different roles not ovverride permition.
in i have 3 roles section editor, journal editor, journal manager. and it ovverides permition with editiong metadata
in 3.2.0-1 i have same roles. but i need to correct permision roles to be able edit metadata… i don’t know is it bug in or in 3.2.0-1
Just to clarify that I understand what you’ve determined –
In OJS 3.1.2-4 your user had Journal Editor and Journal Manager roles (etc), and was able to change metadata without having a specific assignment (in the Participants list) to the submission.
In OJS 3.2.0, a specific assignment to the Participants list is required; just having a Journal Manager role is no longer enough.
Does that summarize the behaviour?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team