3.1 System email is in Russian

We use the subscription module and I receive an email when there is a new subscriber - problem is that it is in Russian and I do not know why, or how to amend it. Our main language setting is English and even if I knew where to change the text. The email contains a lot of information that is not required, some of which has headings in English. I have reproduced what might be termed the Russian section below with confidential info removed, as you see headings are in English:

Система Open Journal Systems помітила незвичайну активність у функціонуванні модуля платежів PayPal журналу ECC Transactions. Може знадобитись подальше вивчення цього питання або ручне втручання.

Цей лист створений модулем PayPal системи Open Journal Systems.

Повна інформація про запит:
[mc_gross] => 1.00
[protection_eligibility] => Eligible
[address_status] => confirmed
[payer_id] => VBKTUBVHJGFD6
[address_street] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[payment_date] => 03:24:33 Jun 07, 2018 PDT
[payment_status] => Completed
[charset] => windows-1252
[address_zip] => NW10 5TN
[first_name] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mc_fee] => 0.23
[address_country_code] => GB
[address_name] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[notify_version] => 3.9
[custom] =>
[payer_status] => verified
[business] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[address_country] => United Kingdom
[address_city] => London
[quantity] => 1
[verify_sign] =>
[payer_email] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[txn_id] => 24835468317275417
[payment_type] => instant
[last_name] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[address_state] =>
[receiver_email] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[payment_fee] =>
[shipping_discount] => 0.00
[insurance_amount] => 0.00
[receiver_id] => DGU8JAZ4LJN54
[txn_type] => express_checkout
[item_name] => Subscription Fee (ECC Member Access (requires
[discount] => 0.00
[mc_currency] => GBP
[item_number] =>
[residence_country] => GB
[shipping_method] => Default
[transaction_subject] => Subscription Fee (ECC Member Access (requires
[payment_gross] =>
[ipn_track_id] => 6ebb22cd598a5

Додаткова інформація (якщо наявна):
Missing queued payment ID:

Дані сервера:

Hi @nickpanes,

What exact version of OJS are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)

Can you try running the following database query and post the results?

SELECT * FROM email_templates_default_data WHERE email_key='PAYPAL_INVESTIGATE_PAYMENT';

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

It’s surely not Russian. It’s Ukrainian.

I have asked for it to be run. We are on It could be Ukrainian I do not know!

Here is the query result. Capture