I was asked to install OJS for testing purposes and give my opinion of OJS being a viable solution.
Taking the lazy way, I just uploaded the .tar, decompressed to a /ojs/ directory and ran the installer. (Note disconcerting to see all the warnings outputting to the screen. Warnings and deprecated, no fatals but still a user shouldn’t see them.)
- Scrolled down and installed.
- Install went ok
- Login ok
- Try to create a Journal - The element is there, but…
<a href="myfqdn/ojs/index.php/index/$$$call$$$/grid/admin/journal/journal-grid/create-context"
id="component-grid-admin-journal-journalgrid-createContext-button-5a1667c555de1" title="Create a
New Journal" class="pkp_controllers_linkAction pkp_linkaction_createContext
see the issue? Missing Create Journal between opening and closing <a>
tags. Mouse pointer is showing the tool tip. Clicking in thin air, nothing happens.
So I dropped back to 3.0.2 running on php 5.6. It seemed to work fine, up’d to 7.0, things start to break again. Same issue with creating a Journal. Hidden link for Create as above. Dropped back to 5.6 and was able to create a Journal. Testing upgrade to 3.1.0. Upgraded to 3.1.0 from 3.0.2, running php 5.6. Ok, seems to look ok. Cleared caches, Journal menu disappeared, logged out, logged in. Menu back.
User issue
Yep, JS error
pkp.min.js:117 Uncaught Error: Constructor for object "$.pkp.controllers.tab.settings.managementSettings.UsersAndRolesTabHandler" not found!
at Function.a.pkp.classes.Helper.resolveObjectName (pkp.min.js:117)
at Function.a.pkp.classes.Helper.objectFactory (pkp.min.js:116)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (pkp.min.js:443)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js:2)
at n.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js:2)
at n.fn.init.a.fn.pkpHandler (pkp.min.js:443)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (access:137)
at j (jquery.min.js:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.min.js:2)
a.pkp.classes.Helper.resolveObjectName @ pkp.min.js:117
a.pkp.classes.Helper.objectFactory @ pkp.min.js:116
(anonymous) @ pkp.min.js:443
each @ jquery.min.js:2
each @ jquery.min.js:2
a.fn.pkpHandler @ pkp.min.js:443
(anonymous) @ access:137
j @ jquery.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery.min.js:2
ready @ jquery.min.js:2
K @ jquery.min.js:2
Turned off CDN to serve files from the install. No change. Hard reload. No change. Click on Roles
Could point out more issues. Error log, just a heck of a lot of Deprecated and Strict Standards. Filling up the log so fast I’d have to either drop their reporting or run a cron job to dump the log.
I haven’t tried to install using a git clone. Not sure if I should say try and use the last version of 2.4.8 or just install 3.0.2 for testing. Would really like to see this be a viable solution, but I’ve have a lot of concerns.