Hi. We are currently using OJS 2.4.5. We are noticing a strange problem with the COUNTER XML report. One of our journals has .doc galleys and we initially were wondering if there was a way to view this in the XML report. Looking into this, I understand that this isn’t possible (the .doc mimetype isn’t in the SUSHI schema nor in the COUNTER protocol). In lieu of this, we wanted to know if the XML report could display a total count of every galley downloaded. Turns out, that this is supposed to be a part of the report.
Here is an example report:
In reportxml.tpl we see this:
{if $requests.count_total neq ''}<Instance>
{if $requests.count_html neq ''}<Instance>
{if $requests.count_pdf neq ''}<Instance>
I note that the first MetricType tag ought to be ft_total yet this isn’t shown in the resulting report. I feel like the expected report ought to have a
Hoping for some feedback as to why this might not be working (and if I ought to submit an issue report about this). Help with troubleshooting and fixes are welcome.