I have scanned this forum, OJS/OPS documentation and code to try and understand what is the source of JATS XML and where full-article HTML is generated from JATS XML. By “full-article” HTML I mean all the information one would expect to see in a PDF version, notably body text and images.
My impressions are as follows. Am I mistaken on any of these points?
OPS, Open PREPRINT System, does not ingest JATS XML.
For OJS, JATS XML does not come from authors but rather is optionally imported by journal staff.
Direct generation of full-article HTML from JATS XML only happens in galley view.
Galley view is for journal staff, not authors.
Full-article HTML generation for a journal website is generated from an internal OJS specific data representation, but not from JATS XML.
The internal OJS specific data representation might have been started from an import of JATS XML, but that is optional.
There is no import of MECA packages.
Am I correct on these points?
What I am unclear on is whether body text and images inside JATS XML get transferred into an internal OJS representation. Do they?
In general where does the JATS XML that is imported into OJS typically come from? Or in other words, what corpus is representative of the “dialect” of JATS that OJS understands? Like what tools generate JATS XML that OJS is able to understand?
As a related resource to share, I have recently surveyed a number of JATS related open-source projects and have been documenting my rough summary understanding at:
Best regards,
Castedo Ellerman