Views and download of articles are not counted anymore since upgrade OJS 3.1.2

Hi @ctgraham,

I installed the OJS 3.1.2 released by downloading the whole archive from the official website.
The previous release installed was OJS
usageStats is not present in “lib/pkp/plugins/generic/” directory and is only present in “plugins/generic/” directory.
I searched for other occurence of geoip_country_code_by_name_v6 in OJS home directory but I didn’t find any.

I never tested to execute manually this command in previous release:
php tools/runScheduledTasks.php plugins/generic/usageStats/scheduledTasks.xml

Is it the good way to do execute it ?
What will it do exactly?
Does this relate to the fact that usage_events_*.log files stay in directory usageStats/usageEventLogs and they are no more processed ?

Thanks again for your help.
Kind regards.