Various javascript errors in OJS 3.1.1-2

I turned off all browser extensions, just to try, and there was no effect.

I checked with my colleague who uses Chrome on Windows, and that problem (second one in the original list), went away when the adblocker was turned off.

Ah ok, I see I mixed your two errors above. Good to hear that at least one is solved.

Interesting that both uBlock Origin and Adblocker prevent that modal window from loading though… Details here: [OJS] uBlock Origin browser plugin causing problems in OJS 3.0.2 · Issue #2316 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

My colleague uses uBlock too (i.e an adblocker, but not Adblocker :slight_smile: )

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Thanks for reporting. I was able to reproduce it. It’s weird because I’ve noticed it only now. I’ve opened an issue: Submission metadata form: pressing save button triggers browser errors · Issue #4072 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

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So this is just in the metadata form that you access from the editor’s workflow, right?

Yes, and only when it’s called only “Metadata” after the article has entered production, not the one called “View metadata”, earlier in the submission process.

In I am actually only seeing the this.unbindPartial is not a function error. So not the Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1 @Vitaliy posted to the github issue. But my installation is a original from June, not including the patches in github for that release.

We have all upstream patches until July 30th (this is the last one: adding a new file for one locale key · pkp/ojs@995229c · GitHub)

I can say for sure that the last week the problem wan’t in place. Perhaps the browser updated scripts only now.

There is at least this recent change Merge pull request #2068 from bozana/3935-stable · pkp/ojs@06d623d · GitHub

I wonder if $submission = $form->getSubmission(); is working as expected? The javascript was recompiled after these changes so probably the error is somwhere there. It was made in late July.

I mean this Recompile minified JS · pkp/ojs@8df993f · GitHub