Problem :
- We want to give access to “Journal Editor” and “Production editor” to only “Submissions” menu and NOT to issues, dois, settings menu.
- We want to give access to to issues, DOIs, settings menu to only “Journal Manager” and nobody else.
Solution desired :
- “Journal settings” should be accessible only to “Journal Manager” role.
- “Journal Editors” and “Production editors” should NOT have access to issues, dois, OJS settings, but only to “Submissions” menu.
Solution sought by :
Journal Managers/Administrators/Editors
Additional information :
Our suggestion is to create a checkbox in user roles tab for providing access to settings function to users just like to submission, review etc.
Seeking your expert opinion: @rcgillis @asmecher @ajnyga
We have been through following topics already, but could not get any solution.
Thank you very much.
Hi @asmecher
I went through the post that you’ve shared.
Actually, I had been through that post already about a month back before posting my topic here.
But, it does not have solution to our problem.
We are basically requesting for what Amanda was asking in that post.
We did not work with OJS 2.x.x.x.
So, according to your response in that post, can we be hopeful of this feature in upcoming versions of OJS, may be 3.5?
Hi @lava.shrestha,
The issue hasn’t been implemented yet, but has been raised as a possible priority by several groups; I’m cross-linking it here so that anyone interested in the subject who finds it here can find that as well.
You’ll see in the Milestones area that there is no milestone currently identified; that means the implementation hasn’t been planned for a specific release yet. We’re already well into the 3.5 development cycle so it’s unlikely to get implemented there. However, adding a checkbox (as you describe, and as I agree would be a good plan) would be a less complicated approach than some of the approaches we’ve considered.
There is also a plugin by a 3rd-party group called Open Journal Theme that does this, and should be released to the Plugin Gallery soon. See the proposed addition to the Plugin Gallery for details.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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Dear @asmecher
Thanks a lot Alec for your comprehensive response and suggesting the plugin.
I will give it a try and let you know of the results.
Thanks again.
Best regards.
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Hi Alec @asmecher
The plugin worked exactly the way we wanted
Thanks a lot for providing the solution to our longstanding problem.
Our gratitude to the plugin developers as well.
Thanks @rcgillis
With best regards.

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