Upgrade error from to 3.2.0-1

@asmecher @astevens @NateWr

Although, I am not getting any response from the forum, yet I am searching the forum for possible solutions and lead. I Once again found a lead from this thread Update OMP and OJS database using tools/update.php
and came with the following findings:

In my config.inc.php, following are my settings:

; Default locale
locale = en_US

; Client output/input character set
client_charset = utf-8

; Database connection character set
; Must be set to “Off” if not supported by the database server
; If enabled, must be the same character set as “client_charset”
; (although the actual name may differ slightly depending on the server)
connection_charset = utf8

; Database storage character set
; Must be set to “Off” if not supported by the database server
database_charset = utf8

But when I run the following query in mysql ojs database:
SELECT default_character_set_name FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA WHERE schema_name = “seisense”
default_character_set_name: latin1

SELECT character_set_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema=‘seisense’ AND table_name=‘email_templates_default_data’ AND column_name=‘subject’
character_set_name: utf8

SELECT @@character_set_database, @@collation_database
@@character_set_database @@collation_database
utf8 utf8_general_ci

What does that mean? Is this the reason, my upgrade was failed and throw the following error:
A database error has occurred: incorrect string value: “\Xd8\xaa\xd9\x82\xd8\daf…”for column “database name. email_templates_settings. Setting value at row 13

Sorry for my little knowledge of programming and databases. So, I asked you to help me out…
Waiting for your reply.