Update Crossref schema to 5.3.1 for OJS / OPS 3.3

Describe the problem you would like to solve
The ROR plugin for OJS / OPS 3.3 allows capturing ROR IDs for author affiliations, but it cannot send the ROR IDs to Crossref because 3.3 uses an old version of the Crossref schema that can’t accept ROR IDs.

Describe the solution you’d like
Enable support of Crossref schema 5.3.1 for v3.3 of OJS / OPS. https://www.crossref.org/documentation/schema-library/metadata-deposit-schema-5-3-1/

Who is asking for this feature?
This was a major project of the metadata group at the Hannover sprint. Support for ROR IDs in author affiliations is one of the most-requested features by Crossref members, and many of these members use OJS. Crossref members want to be able to link journal articles to the organizations the authors are affiliated with, and ROR enables that.

Hi @amandafrench,

Thanks for gathering up the details on this!

By way of an update: I’ve created a Github issue for this, and will work on implementing my prototype from the Hannover sprint in the current version of OJS 3.3 in the next little while.

You can follow along with it’s progress in the Github issue, but feel free to let me know if you have any questions.


PKP Team

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Amazing, @ewhanson – thanks so much!!