Hi @Amolowe2021,
Please do not post multiple times on the same issue. You have already posted here: Authors having issue completing submission process - #7 by Amolowe2021
This goes against our guidelines for appropriate forum behavior: Forum Guidelines and Code of Conduct
I would ask that you please be patient in expecting a response. Support on the PKP Community Forum is provided for free by PKP staff and community members. We are a small team and need to balance our time spent answering questions here on the Forum with our other work developing and maintaining our free and open source software and other services. We try our best but do not guarantee that every question will be answered or that every issue is resolved.
Please note that we may request clarifying details about your post, but may not be able to answer some or all of your questions, depending on the nature of your post/query. In some instances, questions are referred to other staff whose expertise, who may be able to assist when they are available.
You may need to seek professional support to resolve your issue. This can usually be acquired from the service provider that hosts or maintains your software, such as the technical support team at your institution or a third-party hosting provider.
PKP Team