Translator plugin installation in OJS 3.1.2


When I drag n’ drop the translator-v2.0.3-1.tar.gz file (Releases · pkp/translator · GitHub) via the “Upload a New Plugin” interface of my newly updated OJS 3.1.2 instance (formerly 3.1.1-4), I get a notification saying “Plugin already installed, but can be updated to a newer version.”

However this plugin doesn’t seem to be installed. It is not in the Plugin Gallery (Generic plugin section), nor anywhere under my \ojs-3.1.2\plugins\generic directory and, as expected, the “Translate” tab isn’t showing either in the web interface.

Next, clicking on the “Save button” throws this message : “No file uploaded or invalid file type!”
(Formerly, I had no problem at all installing version 2.0.3-0 of this plugin for my 3.1.1-4 OJS instance going the same route).

How can I install the translator plugin or activate it (if it’s indeed already installed but not showing?)


Marie-Hélène Vézina

Hi @Marie-Helene,

I’d suggest watching for a resolution to this over here: Translator plugin doesn't work with new settings tabs · Issue #4637 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks Alec, will do.

Well, meanwhile I just unpacked the 2.0.3-1 plugin tar.gz file into a new plugins/generic/translator directory into my ojs-3.1.2 directory and it’s working just fine… Sorry for the inconvenience.