I am trying to create an Errata/corrections in our journal. However, I fail to find an effective method to solve this problem on OJS.
We need to publish a URL on the webpage of each corrected article, and the URL links to the page of corrections/errata. Do we need a new plugin or…?
Could anyone help me?
Thank you!
Hello @Egret,
One way to do this would be to setup a separate section for Errata within the issues for a journal and publish the Errata there, as you would other articles. Please see instructions from our documentation for setting up sections (assuming you’re using OJS 3).
Best regards,
PKP support
Hi @Egret,
If you’re using OJS 3.2 or newer, you can create a new version of the affected articles, and include the errata note on the top of the PDF file. That way readers will see the note but also have access to the original, which would bear an indication that there was a newer version available.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you @asmecher!
Can I create a URL on the Abstract webpage of the affected articles? Maybe the URL can link to the section of errata? I suppose it will be easier for readers to find the corrections of each article.
Thank you @rcgillis!
It helps! Besides, is it possible to create a URL that links to the section of Errata, on the webpage of the abstract? It can be a notification and would be easier for readers to find the corrections of articles, I suppose.
Best regards,
Hi @Egret,
I don’t think this would be possible without customizing the OJS code, which could create complications. However, one thing you could do to emphasize it in the abstract is have something like “PLEASE NOTE: An errata has been issued for this article, please refer to [link]” - or something to that effect to draw the readers’ attention to the errata.
PKP support
Errata manuscripts usually do not require abstracts. You can refer to the URL of the relevant article on fulltext galleys. If you really want an abstract page for errata, you can insert information regarding relevant article in the abstract page.
Hi @Egret,
I don’t know if this helps, but I wanted to show you how we have solved the Erratum linking for a journal that is not yet in OJS 3.2:
As you can see, we have added a link to the Erratum at the bottom of the abstract metadata and also added the Erratum itself underneath the article buttons. The Erratum of course has its own article landing page and its own DOI number etc. - and as Roger suggested, we have added a section for Errata in the Table of Contents of the issue.
Best wishes,
You may use Crossmark to done with how to highlight the errata Information to readers…
Also note further recommended practice:
Errata must be labeled and published in citable form; that is, the erratum must appear on a numbered page in an issue of the journal that published the original article. For online journals or online-only content, the erratum must be readily discernable in the table of contents of a subsequent issue and must be associated with identifiable pagination or elocation.