Dear friends, i’ve got this issue “The password must be at least 99 characters.”
see our journal link here:
in register session is there some one have similar issue and how to fix it. thanks a lot
As admin go to the Site Administration > Site Settings. There you can define the the minimum password length.
thanks a lot for your reply, it’s solved
I have the same issue but…in OMP. Where do I find this setting in OMP Admin screen? Thank You.
Again: In my ‘Site Setup’ tab in Settings… I do not have this option. And there is not the option in the databse as indicated.
Hi @giellemme
Ah, I see this menu item is only available if you have more than one press.
The value should be then saved in the DB table site, in the column min_password_length.
Ahaaaa. Glad we found a reason. So, do you know a way to fix this strange setting, by any chance?
Hi @giellemme
I opened a new GitHub Issue for that, s. Minimum password length if only one context exists · Issue #4265 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. Till that is solved, you could enter the count manually directly into your DB (table site, column min_password_length).
I have the same issue but in site setting I dont find password length option
I’m using ojs 3.4.0-3 version and default theme of ojs