The First International Congress on Recent Advances in Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences

Trying OJS For Conference publishing…
Before I used OCS 2.3.6 but as we know ocs has been abandoned and unfortunately (as I know) there was no possible migration from ocs to ojs …I lost somme scientific events handled with ocs because of php version (ocs 2.3.6 require php 5.6, and ojs 3.3 require at least php 7.4, so in the same server we can’t hold ocs and ojs together)…
This is the link to the first scientific event I manage using ojs :slight_smile:
I used the sections to manage the congress topics instead of using categories because we don’t have a user role to handle a specific category but we have the ‘Section editor’ role to handle a specific section submissions.
I noticed that journal manager can’t filter active submissions by ‘section’, this is unfortunate.
I tried also to make the header responsive, with a banner or logo that takes all the width, but this is not an easy task even with the override.
I used a Slider found here (Release Slider Home Plugin version 2.3.1 for OJS/OMP 3.3.0 · cedis-epublishing/sliderHome · GitHub) but because of responsive problems, I disabled it.
I am waiting for your comments about the site.