SVG files and Custom Block Manager

Hi @languaojs,

The issue with the Custom Block Manager is that it doesn’t accept uploading of svg files at all, showing me error about not accepting this format, although the error says svg is acceptable. However, placing url in the form to the svg file results in svg showing in the block. So there’s something wrong with the upload mechanism of this particular plugin itself, because I can upload svg without a problem elsewhere in the dashboard, e.g., I can technically upload journal svg logo (technically, because the logo won’t show up publicly, which has been addressed here: SVG logo doesn't show but is present in the code - #2 by israel.cefrin).

I was wondering if the files uploaded via the Custom Block Manager’s editor are somehow referenced in the database? If not, I could upload them to /public/site/images/profile-name and only use links in the editor form.