Submission to series should include series name


I am running several book series using OMP. I would like to have the series name in the email header of notification emails since I could then automaticaly filter and sort the mails.

What seems to be missing is a variable that contains the series name or series shortcut.

Thanks for adding this.

Hi @stefan11,

What version of OMP are you using? (Please include this information in your posts.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

It is 1.2. My post must have at least XY characters. So here you get additional characters.

It is the Berlin installation at CEDIS.

Hi @stefan11,

The {$seriesName} variable should already be available in OMP 1.2.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

OK. Thanks! I am looking for a variable for the series shortcut. So something like EOTMS for Empirically oriented theoretical morphology and syntax.

Is there a documentation of all availible variables? Somewhere?


Best wishes


Hi @stefan11,

Do you mean the series path when you say series shortcut?

The variables available depend on the context, but all monograph-related templates should at least have the variables defined in and, and all templates should at least have the variables defined in

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec,

Yes, for this series it would be eotms:


Best wishes


Hi @stefan11,

You’d need to add the series path to the list of available variables, which is implemented here. If you’re able to write up a pull request for this, I’d be happy to review and merge it.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Hi @asmecher, @stefan11,

I can make this pull request, just one question:

$seriesDao->getById has the optional parameter $pressId. As I see it, the series ids are uniquire across presses, so there is no need for this parameter, at least in the current version. Are there cases where this parameter is needed, older versions maybe? Then I would add the lines. Otherwise it’s just

$seriesDao = DAORegistry::getDAO(‘SeriesDAO’);
$series = $seriesDao->getById($submission->getSeriesId());
$paramArray[‘seriesPath’] = $series ? $series->getPath() : ‘’;

Would it be possible to also pull the variable to OMP 1.2 as well? Otherwise Stefan would need an upgrade …


Hi @carola,

The $pressId variable is optional, so you don’t need to specify it. It’s useful to ensure that you can’t edit the ID in a request to cause it to fetch a series that belongs to another press.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team