Hello, one of my editors has provided some additional translations for elements missing in Indonesian. I’ve pasted them below - please let me know if there’s something I can do with them.
##common.homepageNavigationLabel## Beranda
##navigation.breadcrumbSeparator## / [NOTE: yes, that is just a backslash - same as in English]
##navigation.archives## Arsip
##plugins.block.makeSubmission.linkLabel## Kirim artikel baru
##user.register.form.privacyConsent## Ya, saya setuju untuk mengumpulkan dan menyimpan data saya sesuai dengan pernyataan privasi.
##user.register.form.emailConsent## Ya, saya ingin diberi tahu tentang publikasi dan pengumuman baru.
##user.reviewerPrompt.optin## Ya, saya ingin dihubungi dengan permintaan untuk meninjau
##common.readMore## Baca lebih lanjut
##user.login.rememberUsernameAndPassword## Buat saya tetap masuk
##user.login.registerNewAccount## Daftar
Hi @tmrozewski,
Could you add these via our Weblate translation platform? See https://pkp.sfu.ca/2020/01/22/introducing-weblate-a-new-path-for-ojs-omp-translations/ for details.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks, Alec. I ought to have indicated that these are for 3.1 still - it appears these elements aren’t lacking in 3.2.
Hi @asmecher what about in case that a word doesn’t exits in weblate like ##submissions.submitted.date## ? how I can add it to provide the translation? Is not clear in the documentation about this case
Hi @Ruth_Mujica,
Is this something that’s missing even from the English translation?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher yes also from English
Hi @Ruth_Mujica,
What version of OJS are you using, and where do you see that locale key appearing untranslated? (A screenshot might help.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team