I need a hint:
-How to find the structure of the DB?
I need to find all the table with “submission_id” in order to make a small debug…
I need a hint:
-How to find the structure of the DB?
I need to find all the table with “submission_id” in order to make a small debug…
To find all foreign key references to submission.submission_id
will be a pretty intensive process. You would need to consider not just tables with submission_id
(for example, ), but also any tables where the submission id is stored as an assoc_id
and assoc_type
(with association type of submission).
This is not complete, nor expected to be accurate as-is, but a start would be:
mysql> use information_schema;
mysql> select table_name, column_name from columns where table_schema = 'yourojs3' and column_name like '%submission_id';
| table_name | column_name |
| authors | submission_id |
| edit_decisions | submission_id |
| library_files | submission_id |
| metrics | submission_id |
| published_submissions | published_submission_id |
| published_submissions | submission_id |
| review_assignments | submission_id |
| review_round_files | submission_id |
| review_rounds | submission_id |
| stage_assignments | submission_id |
| submission_comments | submission_id |
| submission_files | submission_id |
| submission_galleys | submission_id |
| submission_search_objects | submission_id |
| submission_settings | submission_id |
| submission_tombstones | submission_id |
| submissions | submission_id |
17 rows in set (0.38 sec)
mysql> select table_name, column_name from columns where table_schema = 'yourojs3' and column_name like '%assoc_id';
| table_name | column_name |
| access_keys | assoc_id |
| announcement_types | assoc_id |
| announcements | assoc_id |
| citations | assoc_id |
| completed_payments | assoc_id |
| controlled_vocabs | assoc_id |
| data_object_tombstone_oai_set_objects | assoc_id |
| email_log | assoc_id |
| email_templates | assoc_id |
| email_templates_data | assoc_id |
| event_log | assoc_id |
| gifts | assoc_id |
| gifts | gift_assoc_id |
| item_views | assoc_id |
| metadata_descriptions | assoc_id |
| metrics | assoc_id |
| notes | assoc_id |
| notifications | assoc_id |
| queries | assoc_id |
| review_forms | assoc_id |
| submission_comments | assoc_id |
| submission_files | assoc_id |
| submission_search_objects | assoc_id |
| usage_stats_temporary_records | assoc_id |
| user_settings | assoc_id |
25 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Hi again,
I’ve been able to get everything in… correctly set…
Strangely, my volumes are in a wierd order… How to fix that?
Ordering is based on: Custom Order, then on the Current Issue, then on Publication Date.
Custom Ordering is available in 3.0.2 and later under Admin → Issues → Back Issues → Order
Thanks a lot