Hi! Is it possible to insert a slider by simply entering the html codes in the Additional Contents section? I tried creating one. I uploaded the images, js files in a specified folder, but the slider does not work.
Hi @shamae_507,
Check your browser’s console, and inspect the source that’s displaying on your front end. Browser-based dev tools like Chrome’s inspector may be helpful.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher , I checked the console and all the images, js, css that I uploaded says that the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found). Where should I place the files that I uploaded?
I’am using these codes.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="public_html/omp/slider/engine1/style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="public_html/omp/slider/engine1/jquery.js"></script>
<div id="wowslider-container1">
<div class="ws_images"><ul>
<li><img src="public_html/omp/slider/data1/images/img_5375.jpg" alt="IMG_5375" title="IMG_5375" id="wows1_0"/></li>
<li><img src="public_html/omp/slider/data1/images/img_5376.jpg" alt="IMG_5376" title="IMG_5376" id="wows1_1"/></li>
<li><img src="public_html/omp/slider/data1/images/img_5377.jpg" alt="responsive slider" title="IMG_5377" id="wows1_2"/></a></li>
<li><img src="public_html/omp/slider/data1/images/img_5378.jpg" alt="IMG_5378" title="IMG_5378" id="wows1_3"/></li>
<div class="ws_script" style="position:absolute;left:-99%"><a href="http://wowslider.net">javascript photo gallery</a> by WOWSlider.com v8.8</div>
<div class="ws_shadow"></div>
<script type="public_html/omp/slider/text/javascript" src="engine1/wowslider.js"></script>
<script type="public_html/omp/slider/text/javascript" src="engine1/script.js"></script>
Thank you
Hi @shamae_507
Inspecting your code, I have 2 considerations:
- public_html folder: in the most of cases it is your root web folder, it is not listed, you are in it.
- omp subfolder: I supposed it is where your OMP 3.1 is installed, so you should do your HTML code points relatively to it.
Try a absolute path just to test where are located your files, for example:
Hi @israel.cefrin, It worked. Thank you