using ORCID?

Great to hear about the release of the ORCID plugin for OJS 3.1.2 to allow you to fill in ORCIDs for authors and co-authors. However, we’ve just had a journal editor ask if it would be possible to use ORCID sign-in with our OJS instance. This feature is available in MDPI’s submission system, in Manuscript Central (part of ScholarOne Manuscripts), and in Editorial Manager.

Hi @kshawkin

The plugin’s GitHub page is here: GitHub - pkp/orcidProfile: A plugin to pull ORCID information into a PKP user profile
But it has issue that should be addressed to work properly:

I’m interested not simply in having the new-user registration form ask for the user’s ORCID but in having the login screen allow you to authenticate using your ORCID username and password. ORCID offers integration of their single sign-on with other systems, much like Google, Facebook, or Shibboleth.

It’s not only asking about ORCID but actually performs authentication. But I think it does not provide all that you need. Have you looked at this announcement?

Yes, the announcement prompted my feature request. As I understand it, the plugin connects with ORCID to verify that the supplied ORCID is one that the person owns, it does not allow a user to sign on using that ORCID username and password instead of signing on with a username and password local to an OJS instance. This is what I’m requesting.

I’d love to se OJS and similar systems (ScholarOne etc.) to adopt this. Are PKP devs uncertain whether is this a good idea? Or is it a matter of priority and technical difficulty?

NCBI (PubMed etc.) accounts will no longer have their own passwords. Instead, NCBI will rely on login through any of a lot of third parties, including ORCID, Google and Microsoft Live, and a gazillion universities, even from other countries:

This forum allows us to log in with accounts from Facebook, Google, Github or Twitter.

The latest versions of the ORCID plugin support authentication and login via ORCID. @Dulip_Withanage, do you know what versions of the plugin support this? And which versions of OJS it’s compatible with?

There is also another plugin, built by @RBoelter, that supports OpenID.